08 May 2016

Ten Healthy Habits Taught to Kids by Mom

Being a Mom you share many genes with your kid. Your child will pick up the habits from you as you are a role model for him or her. You must teach these basic healthy habits to your kids as this will guide them the rest of their lives.

Eat Healthy and colorful Food:

Eating colorful food is very beneficial for growth and development of the body. Being a Mom you have to teach your child about the nutritional value of all the foods. Colorful foods means that your child must have all sort of vegetables and fruits in his or her diet.

Don’t Skip your Breakfast:

Another important habit you must develop in your child is to make sure that they have proper breakfast as it is proved according to scientific research that those who skip breakfast are four times more likely to get obese. Proper breakfast saves your child from many serious diseases. Moms need to teach their children about the benefits of breakfast like how it gives a start to the brain, and how it maintains your body weight and energy throughout the day.

Indulge in Physical activities:

Teach your kids about the importance of physical activities and make them feel more fun with physical activities like games. You have to notice the interest of your child in different games and then indulge them in the one of their choice to make them happy and healthy.

Reading Habits:

It is very important for mothers to teach their kids. You must develop the reading habit in your child from child hood as it will build their interest in studies.

Make your child active not a couch potato:

Along with physical exercises you are supposed to make your child active and involve him or her in various activities rather then giving him a TV remote and putting his health and mind at risk. A scientific study shows that a child who watches the TV for more than two hours in a day is at a greater risk for having health issues.

Water drinking habits not Soda:

Explain to your child  your child that sugar is not good for their health, whereas water is healthy with numerous beneficial effects. If your child's intake is more soda then they will be at more risk for damage to their body such as tooth decay and an increased chance of obesity.

Spend Time with Friends and Family:

Develop the basic moralities in your kids by making them understand the value of family. Teach your kids about the respect of family members and benefits of quality time spent with them. Similarly having good friends adds a flavor in kid’s life as they develop the social skills.

Stay Positive:

Being a Mom it is your duty to develop the positive mind setup of your child by teaching him good lessons about life and its positive aspects.

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Disclosure:  This is a contributed post.

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