22 October 2019

How Often Should You Have an Eye Exam?

Taking care of your eyes is important for your overall health.  A comprehensive exam can help detect underlying health problems that you may not be aware of including diabetes, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis and high blood pressure, among others.  A regular eye exam can also detect early eye issues such as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

So how often should you get an eye exam?  For adults it is recommended that you get a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years depending on your health.  If you wear glasses or contacts you should get an exam annually.  For those over 60 you should be getting an exam every year.  If you need to find a quality ophthalmologist in your area you can search reviews online and tailor your needs to a particular ophthalmologist's specialty.  If you are in Texas you can check out a San Antonio eye doctor or Austin eye doctor who can assist you.   

When it comes to children the recommended eye exam timeline can differ.  It is recommended that children see an eye doctor at six months old, sooner if they appear to be having symptoms of an eye issue.  The next exam should come at 3 years old, followed by an exam before first grade and then every two years after that.  If your child wears glasses or contact lenses an exam should be done annually.  

Staying on top of regular eye exams can ensure your eye health and can help you prevent future eye and health problems.  Since the amount of prescription strength of glasses and contacts can fluctuate, you will want to ensure that your exams are done in a timely matter so that you can be utilizing the appropriate prescription strength for your needs.  Be sure to ask your eye care professional what eye exam schedule would work best for you.


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